Change Color Scheme
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UA allows you to adjust the background and study colors to customize your charts. Reach this option by first creating a chart, then right-clicking your mouse and selecting "Change Color Scheme."

First you'll be offered a list of colors to change, including background, main price, overlay price, candlesticks, volume, open interest, dark regions, light regions, writing, annotations and up to fifteen studies.

Double-click the area you would like to recolor first as shown below.


A grid of available colors overlays the first selection screen as shown on the left side of the screen below:


Click the desired color and then click [OK], or if a custom color is desired, click [Define Custom Colors]. The screen is expanded to include the color pallet at right. Move the cursor to the desired color and click. If you are satisfied with the color selection, click [Add to Custom Colors].

Your custom color will be available for selection at left. Click it, then click [OK] to recolor your chart.

Click [Reset] to return to the original colors.