Deleting Files
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Keep your portfolios lean and mean by deleting contracts you don't wish to view or process on a regular basis. This reduces the time required to update your portfolios each day.

Items that are removed from your portfolios still exist in the UA compressed database, from which they are available for chart and file creation as long as you are an active UA subscriber. They can be re-added to your portfolios at any time. The act of deleting files from your UA portfolio also deletes corresponding export format data files from your hard drive (CSI, MS, CSIM, ASCII and Excel format files).

To delete an item from a portfolio, first select the desired portfolio from the Portfolio Manager panel, and then click on the commodity or stock entry that you want to delete . Then use one of the following three methods for deletion.

1) Click the [Delete] button in Portfolio Manager panel.

2) Right-click your mouse to bring up a menu of choices (see "Editing Your Portfolio, above), where you'll click "Delete."

3) Click the Portfolio menu to bring up a similar list of choices, from which you will choose "Delete."

Whichever method you use, you'll be asked to confirm your choice before the item is deleted.

Deleting Multiple Portfolio Entries

You may delete multiple items from your portfolio list simultaneously IF they are listed consecutively or IF you want to delete everything in the portfolio. Here's how:

To delete consecutive items in your portfolio list, first click on the left column for the first item to be deleted. Press and hold down the <shift> key, while clicking on the last item to be deleted (also in the left column). All items between your first and last selections, inclusive, will be selected. Use either of the right-click or Portfolio menu methods described above to delete the files. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of X number of files.

To delete all items in a portfolio, click any single item, then right-click your mouse and click "Select All" from the menu. Right-click again and then click "Delete."

Note: Contracts that are included in your portfolio through the Individual Futures Group settings can be deleted from your hard drive automatically as they roll out of the IFG window. Go to the General tab on Portfolio Settings, "Delete Expiring Contracts for Individual Futures Group" to set your preference for the current portfolio.