Market Data Unfair Advantage Posting Status Robert 2016

Using the Symbol Linker

With the latest Unfair Advantage build .112 we introduce the Symbol Linker.
You can now link the history from two symbols together into one chart.

The Symbol Linker can be accessed by navigating to the icon called ‘Symbol Link’ along the top of the Unfair Advantage software.

(Note: Make sure you are running Unfair Advantage version 2.10.7 build .112.)

In the ‘Market Symbol Link Utility’ window you can set up the connection between two symbols.

To the upper left of the window, type in the symbol, the start and end date, and the available contracts will fill in.

To the upper right of the window, type in the symbol, choose the start date, end date, and select the contract.

When done setting up the symbols click the ‘Add’ button to save the settings. The contract will appear in the list below.

To chart the linked symbols, highlight the linked symbols from the list, and click the ‘Chart button.
To close the ‘Market Symbol Link Utitily’ click the ‘OK’ button.