Market Data Unfair Advantage Posting Status Robert 2016

Refund Policy

Refund Policy for Unfair Advantage

We pledge to make every reasonable effort to solve any problem you may have with our data and software upon subscription. If necessary, we will send or make available replacement copies, free of charge, to correct defects. If a refund is required, our refund policy, stated in the following paragraphs, will apply.

Refund Policy:
CSI provides the UA software package for download through our website. In the event the licensee cannot satisfactorily install the UA software, he or she agrees to accept in-depth telephone assistance from a qualified CSI customer service representative. In consideration of the massive historical reserves received through UA, the licensing fee is non-refundable. In the event of a refund request before the full one-year subscription term expires, monthly user fees are short-rated at double the monthly fee per full or partial month from inception of the current subscription term. UA history only packages are non refundable.