Market Data Unfair Advantage Posting Status Robert 2016

Units and Contract Value


For futures, the units are displayed like this:

(UnitNumeratorMultiplier) CurrencyCode / (UnitDenominatorMultiplier) UnitDenominatorTypeId

For example, for #2 Live Cattle,

Units = 0.01 USD / 1 lb
(In other words, cents/lb)

For #65 Japanese Yen

Units = 1 USD / 100 JPY

Contract Value

The Contract Value = Contract Size x Price

For #2 Live Cattle,

Contract Value = 40000 (lb) x 105 (cents/lb) = 4,200,000 cents = $42,000 USD

FullPointValue x Price also works. This is because FullPointValue is always in terms of the whole currency instead of cents.

Contract Value = 400 x 105 = $42,000 USD